

(G.V.): As a child she had a fear of growing up, she did not want to go to
school, she did not want to do things. She’s spelling out the remedy.

(F.P.): I went to see a psychiatrist when I was in seventh grade and that seemed to help. I just have a fear of everything. During my teenage years I was a little bit better. I was just married in November, and I’ve known my husband for seven years. We’ve been very busy, and I think I’ve just been under a lot of stress and anxiety, thinking about having babies – that scares me to death – and having a house.

(G.V.): She cannot make decisions; she is so afraid that she panics. She cannot decide to have a child, it is impossible for her. Now this has to be a remedy that produces a similar state. You cannot give Arsenicum and Lycopodium and Phosphorus and expect to see a result in this case, because the remedy is very clear already.

(F.P.): I don’t know where to go now; I just don’t know what to do with
myself. I just want to get better. I want to be back to normal again and I
don’t know how to do that.
(G.V.): Do you have any brothers or sisters?
(P.P.): I am the middle child, I have an older sister and a younger
(G.V.): Do they have similar problems?
(F.P.): No. My brother is younger, he has drug problems, but my sister
is very stable, she is like my father. I’ve been taking the pill…
(G.V.): Why shouldn’t your husband take precautions like a condom?
(F.P.): We’ve used the pill for seven years and I am paranoid about
going off it, about becoming pregnant.
(G.V.): Yes, but if you use other precautions, they will not harm your
health or his.
(F.P.): I am just scared to do it, I haven’t done it before. It is just
something different. My therapist said, I should go off of it so that I
could be treated with homeopathy. I am willing to do that just as long
as I am not feeling as anxious as I have been because I just don’t need