

anxiety is almost constant; it is the most constant anxiety we have in the materia medica and is parallel only to Agaricus. These patients are in a constant state of fear that they will develop some terrible disease, most probably cancer. This can become so acute that the patient eventually has to go to a doctor, but when he arrives, he is no longer in a state of panic. Suddenly he will be very composed; he’ll probably say something like: »I just came for a check up. I don’t feel well, I would like to have an encephalograms If he feels that he has cancer of the brain, he will go and have encephalograms every three months. Nitricum acidum goes to many doctors; the Arsenicum person will also go to doctors, but when the panic is very great they’ll usually hold back and say: »I can manage as long as my husband is there.« Arsenicum will seldom decide to go to the hospital because they fear losing control: In the hospital he is no longer in control of what happens to him, he can be given injections, things can be done to his body, etc. Nitricum acidum is the remedy that reflects someone who will go from one doctor to another, checking each against the other. He will not say: »I have been to a doctor and he told me this and that,« instead he finds little things to complain about; most probably he imagines his pains. For instance, if he finds a little pimple, he thinks it is going to grow to become a tumor, and so he goes into an anxiety state, a panic state. You get the feeling that Nitricum acidum does not enjoy life because he makes such a fuss about it. He is a miserable individual who is not satisfied, complains a lot, and never seems to be happy. That is why when we describe Nitricum acidum we say these people are nihilists, they believe in nothing except perhaps killing themselves. The general idea is that this life is not worth living; so they might as well kill themselves, preferably with a gun. Despite this desire, Nitricum acidum is always afraid of dying. Nitricum acidum will talk about suicide but he will not carry it out; it is only speculation.
Nitricum acidum, like Agaricus, will say: »Never mind what the doctor says, I know it is cancer,« and this thought will torment him all the time. These are some of the most nagging patients; they’ll come again and again, complaining of little things. You might give many different remedies in these cases because you don’t understand that what is chiefly underlying all these complaints is anxiety. Eventually you end up giving these patients a variety of different things: for the liver, colon, heart, brain, pimples, etc. Regardless of what you prescribe, these patients always have a reason to keep coming back, even though there is no serious pathology to justify