

(Patient): »Yes, but I always had 12, and now I have 14.5.« (Therapist): »But now you are sixty. When did you last have your blood pressure checked?« (Patient): »Twenty years ago.«
(Therapist): »At that time it was normal to have 12, now it is normal to have 14.5.«
(Patient): »Are you sure it is not going to be…?«
The idea here is that he will not voice his anxiety, because he is afraid of being ridiculed. So he holds it back, and then his anxiety comes out as a hypochondriasis. The whole anxiety of Natrum muriaticum will appear, not as anxiety per se, but as a hypochondriasis. He will visit you again and again, and the theme is always: »Am I going to have a brain stroke? Am I going to contract a severe disease? Am I going to experience something which will endanger my life? Why do I have this? Why do I have that?« That is a different kind of anxiety altogether, it is subdued, it is underlying, it is hypochondriacal, it is a hypochondriasis.
In these cases we must also take into consideration the causative factor of the anxiety. For instance, in Aconitum the causative factor – that means the event that triggered the anxiety in the first place – most probably lies in a confrontation with death, or some other very frightful experience. It could have been an experience of being in a stuck elevator and thinking that he is going to suffocate, that there is no way out, that traumatized the patient. Why? because Aconitum patients have a predisposition towards claustrophobia; they are afraid of closed places, more specifically, they are afraid of crowds. You will not see an -confom-person at a demonstration, instead he will watch from a distance. It is impossible for Aconitum-persons to enter a crowd because then they feel enclosed, trapped, and that’s when the anxiety attack comes on. This can be triggered by other crisis situations, such as an earthquake, because an earthquake brings with it the possibility of imminent death, and this is exactly the causative factor in Aconitum anxiety states. Aconitum is intellectually afraid of earthquakes; even if he has not experienced one, just being told about the effects of an earthquake is enough to cause him to become anxious. In fact, when anxiety arises, Aconitum feels it inside like an earthquake, they may even describe it that way: their environment moves, or they feel that everything inside them is moving, being shaken up.
Another remedy that produces panic attacks and anxiety states that are very difficult to deal with is Nitricum acidum. With Nitricum acidum the state of