

doesn’t matter what you demand, because he’s learned through his visits to you that no price can be put on the relief and good feeling he experiences afterwards. With this kind of anxious patient all you have to say is: »Don’t worry, everything is going to be all right, we have examined you, and we now know that you don’t have cancer.« Once reassured he will immediately start talking about his friends: »I have a friend who is suffering from this disease, what can we do about him?«. Or he will talk about his wife and his children, giving all sorts of examples of their problems and woes. This should show you what is taking place, so that you’ll be observe in the position to say: »Ah, yes, this is Phosphorus.« In comparison, Arsenicum would never vocalize concern about anyone else.
All of these remedies exhibit anxieties which also include panic – a fear that they are going to die. But that is not the main thing, rather you have to see the color, essence, behind the different state of affairs in each remedy. Many times I’ve been presented a case where I’ve said: »Oh yes, this case is Staphisagria,« and someone else has said: »Staphisagria is so closed, why not Natrum muriaticuml«. At times like these I’ve been surprised to find that the possibility of another remedy hadn’t crossed my mind. But then I have to admit, yes, you are right, Natrum muriaticum. Why didn’t I think about Natrum muriaticum at all in this case? because it does not have this color, the essence, of Natrum muriaticum. Taken on a surface level, you might say that this person is closed because he doesn’t speak very much and keeps all his grief to himself. You may mention points that fit Natrum muriaticum, but I know, from my own experience and knowledge of Natrum muriaticum, that the patient may not really be Natrum muriaticum, despite all the convincing indications. All remedies have anxieties. We could go on indefinitely about all the different types of anxieties. Unless you know the anxiety of Natrum muriaticum you will never be able to perceive it. There is an underlying tremendous anxiety about health, a prominent feeling that they may have a brain stroke or be reduced to invalidity. Natrum muriaticums have a tremendous underlying anxiety that is not expressed. They will not come out directly like other remedies and tell you they are dying, instead they will ask around this fear: (Patient): »Do you think this can lead to something serious?« (Therapist): »No, I don’t think this can lead to something serious.« But your reassurances do not help, they only push the point further: (Patient): »But my blood pressure is 14.5.« (Therapist): »You are sixty-five years old, 14.5 is normal.«