

remedy may not be clearly revealed to you because you may have a case with multiple indications; for instance, a case of Lycopodium with Ignatia symptoms. You may see indications of Lycopodium, or of Natrum muri-aticum (even though it is after Lycopodium), and then you might see some Ignatia as well. Now, which remedy are you going to give first? It is very important in our science to understand that we have to start in the right way with the right remedy before we proceed with the second remedy – which must be equally as right for the moment as the first one was – and so on down the line. Only adherence to such a procedure can bring about results. Sometimes the first remedy that you decide to give will not produce any amelioration at all; however, it might produce a picture of the next remedy to come. For example, you give Rhus toxicodendron and it does not really take away the pains, instead it produces a clear state of Bryonia. You give Bryonia and then the results you see are excellent. It is not that your first remedy was wrong, the first remedy was right; it brought about the changes that it should have: the new picture which indicates Bryonia. You give this additional remedy and see beautiful results.
While working in the homeopathic center in Athens, where a lot of doctors came to work and train for a long period of time, I had to prescribe on an anamnesis protocolled by one of the doctors. I received all the difficult cases and I was expected to come up with the right prescription. Often my students would bring me a report on a case saying that the remedy did not work, and I would readminister the remedy and it would work, or I would give a different remedy altogether. I would try and explain why the first remedy sometimes helped to produce symptoms that everyone could recognize, and that these in turn indicated another, completely different remedy.
In the video-taped cases, I am going to show now, we are going to analyze the case with the goal of understanding the remedy and determining whether this case belongs to the first category – constitutional remedies which run for many years – or whether the case belongs to the second category of layers, and if so, where these different layers are indicated. The first case is very acute, and you will see a very acute state of anxiety.