
Materia Medica Viva Volume 12 – page 2793

first two children declared that she would take nothing this time, as all the doctors and all the remedies had failed with the other two. Her sister, a trained nurse, had seen results under homoeopathic treatment and finally persuaded her to try homoeopathy. Her rem- edy was easily found, and three times after that she was cured by mail with the same remedy, Iris versicolor.
T. H. Winans
Vomiting in pregnancy
Another case proved a difficult one. A number of prescriptions had been made with but slight improvement. She became angry because I was not helping her more and when I told her that she was doing very well, she swept out of my office saying, I wish yon had to vomit all night. Her mother came some days later for medicine. It was put upon the shelf and not taken, as she had another physician in charge. She did not dare have abortion committed, as her sister – in – law had departed this world but a few years before by that route. My medicine was on that shelf till the patient was about gone. When the doctor could see no more that could be done, her mother asked him if he objected to her giving my medicine, showing it to him. He said he did not object as there wasn’t anything in it anyway. So it was given and the patient began to improve. The mother came for more medicine and told me this. It was Iris versicolor that had relieved, and under its continued careful administration she made a complete recovery and was dismissed and the vomiting never returned.
T. H. Winans
Gastrointestinal complaints
Well preserved widow, aged eighty years. Tongue feels as if it had been burnt. Smarting sensation in the throat. Chokes when swal- lowing food. Cough from tickling in the throat, no expectoration. Hoarseness, aggravated by speaking. Full of flatus, loud borboryg- mus. Iris versicolor, 1m B. and T.
E. E. Case