in right axilla, the size of a walnut, discharging cheesy pus. Bluish red nodosities in mammae, size of a hazel nut; black points at tips. Atrophy of mammae; the breasts hang down relaxed, deprived of all fat. Excessive flow of very thin, watery milk with great weakness and emaciation.
Trembling of muscles of back. Swelling and induration of cervical glands. Yel- low spots on neck. Large furuncle between scapulae, leaving deep and painless ulcers, which refused to heal, scratched parts became gangrenous. Stitches in scapulae on lifting anything. Curvature of spine.
Trembling: first of hands then also of arms, feet and back, can only walk tot- tering and unsteady, cannot guide anything straight to his mouth because hand moves in a zigzag fashion, trembling parts can easily be held fixed when at rest, general movements at the same time are painful and circulation is accelerated, with a small, threadlike pulse. Inflammation of joints with violent nightly pains, worse warmth; without swelling. Curvature of bones. Much coldness of hands and feet. Weariness of arms morning in bed. Pain in bones of arm, waking from sleep and keeping him awake, worse by lying on it. Violent stitches in shoulder joints even during rest. Tearing in elbows, especially left. Hard boil on forearm near wrist. Lancinating pain in right wrist when grasping or lift- ing anything. Burning heat of hands. Brown discoloration on back of hand. Fin- gers go to sleep. Felons. Ulceration of nail caused by a slight prick near nail.
Great tension of limbs, almost like a cramp, in thighs and legs, only when sit- ting. Rheumatic drawing in the leg, especially thigh and knee, with humming in heel, evening in bed, worse motion. Intermitting sharp tearing between left hip and joint of thigh, much worse by moving joint. Violent itching nettle rash on thigh and around left knee. Flat gelatinous vesicles on left knee. White swelling of knee. Hot, bright red swelling of knee with inflammation, pricking and burn- ing, worse touch or pressure. Dull pain deep in the knee joint when lying quietly with leg stretched out, becoming very severe upon least motion or pressure, finally developing a fistula over the patella through which oozed laudable pus, later followed by profuse, clear, yellow, serous discharge, worse early in evening. Dropsical swelling of knee joint. Sharp stitches in ankles. Violent cramp with twitchings at night in the ankle joint. Sweat of feet so sharp that it erodes the skin. After furuncles between scapulae, develops a violent pain in the big toe of right foot which became cold and black, gangrene rising up to thigh with horrid pains, leg becoming black as pitch and icy cold, until finally the tibia and fibula broke while turning in bed, the whole limb dropping off. Pressive cramplike pain in foot, extending from middle toe to ankle. Shooting tearing under nail of left big toe.