
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 198

The many principles enunciated in the Model I have presented will require years of systematic research to verify. This research will have to be directed along channels relative to the ideas presented in this treatise—not accidentally or haphazardly as has been the case traditionally with research. To further such research, I would like to suggest some directions in which it might proceed with the existing technology. There are other ideas that have been expounded in this book which will have to wait longer before they can be conclusively confirmed. In any case, I feel that the research of which we are now capable should begin immediately. The research I propose is:
1. To evaluate the immune system of all patients entering
hospitals before and after giving an antibiotic. A medical
history with all details concerning the condition of their
immune system should be kept in a computer and updated
each time they undergo antibiotic treatment. In this way a
profile of any deterioration of the immune system resulting
from these treatments could be obtained.
2. To evaluate, in particular, the immune system of homosexuals after their first venereal disease, before starting
antibiotics therapy and afterward, recording any alterations of immune system integrity after repeated treatment of such infections.
3. Epidemiological studies could be conducted to evaluate the
effect of vaccination. In this Model it has been suggested
that the explosion of multiple sclerosis is due to vaccination. Studies could be done to investigate this idea. We
already know that in the countries where vaccination was
unknown, multiple sclerosis was also unknown. Countries
recently having introduced vaccination can be studied over
time, at least two generations, for the incidence of multiple