
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 195

malpractice emerged in the United States, and with it another very profitable "business racket" was born.
Many times patients sue for the slightest cause, and insurance premiums for physicians as well as patients have risen accordingly. The final outcome has been that the American patient is paying a lot of money for medical services which he can get elsewhere in the world, such as Europe, at a much lower price.
Physicians have become increasingly concerned, not only about the welfare of the patient, but also about protecting themselves against a lawsuit. So in order to safeguard their position and not fall prey to any malpractice suits, they "over-prescribe." What this means is that although the physician knows, for instance, that the patient is a terminal cancer case, he will prescribe chemotherapy anyway, or prescribe antibiotics for a case which does not warrant them.
Such situations are leading some physicians to seek alternative solutions and to abandon a system so rigidly constructed that it leaves little if any room for change. Some, out of despair or ignorance of an alternative route to better therapies and health, have chosen to sacrifice their very expensive education and years of study and opt for other professions that weigh less on their conscience.
There are a lot of other reasons why this exclusivity the medical profession has secured for itself does not benefit either the patient or the profession. There is only one way that governmental agencies can correct the situation: Promote alternative methods of therapy so that allopathic medicine will have a worthy rival.
The New Centers of Medical Education
I envision schools that will be centers of real knowledge, which will provide an education far exceeding the technical and strictly "medical" aspect. Teachers from different sciences will be invited to impart their knowledge on different health issues and raise important questions for the advancement of the science. Philosophers will come to discuss the meaning of life and death in an intellectually stimulating environment, provoking students to learn and think more profoundly. Sociologists will come to share views on future societies and the improve-