
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 192

tively unstructured order of things in the beginning, when alternative therapies were just coming into their own.
In the meantime, several members of the medical community joined the ranks of those practicing alternative medicine. Most of these physicians joined the alternative movement because their experience with established medicine had made them aware of the fallacies inherent in that system. These were the medical doctors, according to my estimation, who had not lost their primary goal in entering the medical field, these were the people who were most sensitive to human suffering. They understood and perceived the confusion, despair and futility that plagued medical orthodoxy. These medical doctors, more often than not, felt isolated from mainstream medicine because, unlike their colleagues, they questioned the existing medical practices. They were in a very difficult situation, as they came into conflict with many of the classical doctrines taught in medical colleges. The questions they raised remained unanswered for quite a long time because of reprisals from the medical community; but as a seed takes root, so did the questions and discontent about official treatments evolve within the medical ranks. Established medicine chose to ignore these questions put forth by many of its most illustrious members and proceeded, oblivious to the conflict within its own ranks. About this time, many people as well as the media sensed the truth of the matter and supported the alternative movement. But there were no organized medical centers of alternative therapies with enough prestige to replace the existing institutions, apart from some heroic attempts by the Naturopathic Schools in the U.S.
The need for expanding alternative methods of therapy:
Therefore, the only hope left is to create new medical centers to fill the majority of today’s therapeutic demands. The old "arteriosclerotic" systems will eventually sink into oblivion, abandoned by a public which on the one hand will have become aware of the hazards of allopathic medicine, and on the other hand will have discovered the new possibilities offered by alternative therapies. Such methods have already proven to be more humane and quite effective when properly applied.
It stands to reason that alternative methods of therapy would have disappeared a long time ago if it were not for the real