Extreme lassitude, especially in the lower limbs, has to exert himself very much in order to be able to walk.
Cramp-like pain in several locations, but especially in the calves.
Crawling sensation as from a fly in one or the other limb, with numbness of the part.
Gouty pain alternating with inflammation of the eyes; as soon as the pain is relieved, an ophthalmia sets in, with dimness of the cornea.
Excessive yawning when walking in the open air.
Great sleepiness that seems to begin in the eyes, with a ‘sleepy, dry pressure in them’.
Great lassitude and feverish half-sleeping condition; on closing the eyes large heads appear which make grimaces.
‘Interrupted sleep, he moved to and fro, the bed seemed too hard and he could not find a place in it where he was able to rest’ (compare Arnica). Frequent waking at night, as from fright. ‘Frightful dreams of fires and conflagrations from lightning’.
Constant chill. Chilly especially in the arms, which become very cold. Night sweats, sometimes smelling strongly; especially upon the chest. Grippal infections; influenza; measles.
‘All night long, transient, itching stitches, now here, now there’.
Euphrasia might also be indicated in allergic reaction of the skin in the context of hay fever, etc. There is some clinical experience, for instance in allergic urticaria, but further confirmation is necessary.