
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 185

For instance, who can say with any degree of certainty that the same homosexuality does not stem from the effects on mothers’ hormonal systems induced by the standard practice of feeding livestock and dairy cows various hormones and antibiotics to facilitate growth and production?
The mere possibility that such thoughts may be valid should make us all pause and think of our own responsibilities as members of the societies in which we live. Many of us know better, but out of laziness or apathy or other various reasons, we let such practices continue unopposed. Very few have taken the initiative to inform society of its peril, and now we find ourselves confronted by the spectre of AIDS.
Organized societies have to come up with the right answers. People should not rest on their laurels and think that it is none of their business, that such epidemics will not affect them. It is up to society to decide the best way to handle the issue, and many hard decisions lie ahead.
On the National Governmental level
On the national level, immediate measures have to be taken by the responsible agencies to uncover the real causes of the recurring medical catastrophes that have plagued western civilization for the last few decades.
These agencies have to realize that those endangered are not the "simple" or primitive societies, but rather those who live in the very heart of technological civilization.
We try to reason the cause of disease by giving answers such as "the extreme stress under which we live" or the "pollution of the atmosphere". These are not precise enough explanations to have any significant meaning with regard to the management of diseases or the prevention of the deterioration of health of whole populations in these countries. One may also argue that the parameters involved in this degeneration are too numerous and complex to be isolated. This is true to an extent, but the argument of this book remains that the probable main cause of this deterioration is the chemical drugging that has prevailed over the last thirty years.
If governments are not prepared to take aggressive action, to look for immediate solutions to our health dilemma, my feeling is that our continued survival is in doubt.