
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 182

keep from contracting venereal disease, which would again require treatment with antibiotics. The main dictum should be to maintain the integrity of the immune system by disturbing it as little as possible and supporting it as much as possible by intelligent measures. A good diet and moderate exercise are always necessary and important in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but keeping away from strong drugs is even more important.
Even though the majority of the allopathic profession today denies or ignores alternative methods of therapy such as Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Osteopathy and Naturopathy, and even though we may not have conclusive proof now that these alternative therapies work to the extent that their exponents claim, people should at least try to find out for themselves about the merits, the pros and cons, of such treatments. And here I speak mostly about Homeopathy since I have been an eyewitness to its positive results for the past 30 years. The fact that these methods do not cause serious side effects makes the argument for their use even stronger.
Here I must stress again the necessity of finding a good classical Homeopath who will prescribe only one remedy at a time, observe the results, and not mix the remedies by practicing "polypharmacy." The difference between classical Homeopathy and Homeopathic polypharmacy is indeed enormous, and people should not confuse one with the other.
On the Family level
a. Protecting the family member that has AIDS:
It is an absolute certainty that the family of the AIDS victim faces many difficult problems and will be called to answer questions that they probably had never before imagined. The main dilemma will be that of cohabitation; how will parents face jeopardizing the lives of their other children, threatening them with potential death. They must ask themselves what kind of attention they should give to the diseased ones and to what extent they should allow contact among themselves.
Again, the answers here cannot be cut and dried, and there will be a lot of different responses depending on the closeness of the family. If love prevails, it will be much easier to see the answers and to make the necessary adjustments.