Materia Medica

Trillium pendulum – Allen

Trillium pendulum



Haemorrhage: copious, both active and passive, usually bright red; from nose, lungs, kidneys and uterus (Ipec., Mill.).


Tendency to putrescence of fluids.


Epistaxis; profuse, passive, bright red.


Bleeding from cavity after extraction of a tooth (Ham., Kreos.).


Menses: profuse, every two weeks, lasting a week or longer (Calc. p.) ; after over-exertion or too long a ride.


Flooding, with fainting.


Menorrhagia: flow, PROFUSE, GUSHING, BRIGHT RED; AT LEAST MOVEMENT (Sab.) ; from displaced uterus; AT THE CLIMACTERIC; EVERY TWO WEEKS, dark, clotted (Thlas., Ust.).


Haemoptysis: incipient phthisis, with bloody sputa; in advanced stages with copious, purulent expectoration and troublesome cough.


Sensation as it hips and small of back were falling to pieces; as if sacro-iliac synchondroses were falling apart, wants to be bound tightly ; as if bones of pelvis were broken (Aesc.) ; with haemorrhage.


Profuse uterine haemorrhage at climacteric; flow every two weeks; pale, FAINT, DIM SIGHT, PALPITATION, OBSTRUCTION AND NOISE IN EARS (For.) ; painful sinking at pit of stomach.




Complementary: to Cal. p., in menstrual and haemorrhagic affections.


Compare: Cinch., Bell., Kali c., Mill., Lach., Sep., Sulph., Thlas., Ust.