Complaints from abuse of cinchona and quinine.
Fevers, in which the cold stage predominates; coldness felt most acutely in abdomen and legs.
Headache: PRESSING IN VERTEX from above downwards, > DURING HARD PRESSURE WITH HAND (Ver.); as of a HEAVY WEIGHT pressing upon the head at every step (Cac, Glon., Lach.) ; < ascending (Cal.) ; often with icy coldness of hands and feet (Cal., Sep.).
Anxiety about the heart as if some evil was impending.
TENSION: in root of nose; in arms, hands, fingers; in skin, as if several sizes too small and was crowded into it by force.
Compare: Cac, Cal., Gels., Sep., Mag. m., Paris.
Follow well: Caps., Lach., Lyc, Puls., Rhus, Ver.
During rest; lying down.
Pressure on affected part.