Materia Medica

Hyoscyamus niger – Allen

Hyoscyamus niger


Persons of sanguine temperament; who are irritable, nervous, hysterical.


Convulsions: of children, from fright or the irritation of intestinal worms (Cina) ; during labor; during the puerperal state; after meals, child vomits, sudden shriek, then insensible.


Diseases with increased cerebral activity, but NON-INFLAMMATORY IN TYPE; hysteria or delirium tremens; delirium, with restlessness, jumps out of bed, tries to escape; makes irrelevant answers; thinks he is in the wrong place; talks of imaginary doings, but has no wants and makes no complaints.


In delirium, Hyoscyamus occupies a place midway between Belladonna and Stramonium; lacks the constant cerebral congestion of the former and the fierce rage and maniacal delirium of the latter.


Spasms: without consciousness, very restless; EVERY MUSCLE IN THE BODY TWITCHES, FROM THE EYES TO THE TOES (with consciousness, Nux).


Fears: being alone; poison; being bitten; being sold; to eat or drink; to take what is offered; SUSPICIOUS, of some plot.


Bad effects of unfortunate love; with jealousy, rage, incoherent speech or inclination to laugh at everything; often followed by epilepsy.


Lascivious mania: IMMODESTY, WILL NOT BE COVERED, kicks off the clothes, EXPOSES THE PERSON; sings obscene songs; lies naked in bed and chatters.


Cough: dry, nocturnal, spasmodic; < WHEN LYING DOWN, RELIEVED BY SITTING UP (Dros.); < at night, after eating, drinking, talking, singing (Dros., Phos. — > when lying down, Mang. m.).




Paralysis of bladder: after labor, with retention or incontinence of urine; no desire to urinate in lying-in women (Arn., Op.).


Fever: pneumonia, scarlatina, RAPIDLY BECOMES TYPHOID; sensorium clouded, staring eyes, grasping at flocks or picking bed clothes, teeth covered with sordes, tongue dry and unwieldy; involuntary stool and urine; subsultus tendinum.




Compare: Bell., Stram. and Verat.


Phos. often cures lasciviousness when Hyos. fails.


Nux or Opium in haemoptysis of drunkards.


Follows: Bell, well in deafness after apoplexy.




At night; during menses; mental affections; jealousy, unhappy love; when lying down.