Agonizing pain in abdomen causing patient to bend double, with restlessness, twisting and turning to obtain relief > by hard pressure ( > by heat, Mag. p.).
Pains: are worse after eating or drinking; compel patient to bend double (Mag. p. — < by bending double, Dios.); menses, suppressed by chagrin, colic pains.
Extremely irritable, impatient; becomes angry or offended on being questioned.
Irritable; throws things out of his hands.
Affections from anger, with indignation—colic, vomiting, diarrhoea and suppression of menses. (Cham., Staph.).
Vertigo: when quickly turning head, ESPECIALLY TO THE LEFT, as if he would fall; from stimulants.
Sciatica: crampy pain in hip, as though screwed in a vise; lies upon affected side.
Shooting pain, like lightning-shocks, down the whole limb, left hip, left thigh, left knee, into popliteal fossa.
Complementary: Merc, in dysentery, with great tenesmus.
Compare: Gnaph. intense pain along right sciatic nerve, darting, cutting, from right hip joint down to foot; < lying down, motion, stepping; > by sitting.
Compare with Staph, in ovarian or other diseases from bad effects of anger, reserved indignation or silent grief.
Anger and indignation; mortification caused by offense (Staph., Lyc.); cheese < colic.
From doubling up; hard pressure.