Headache: as if a tornado in head; as if head had been blown to pieces; has to sit up at night and hold it together.
Diseases of elderly persons with marked venous plethora, blue cheeks, blue lips, and great debility.
Circulation feeble, stagnated, and vital heat sinks to a minimum; cyanosis (Ant. t., Carbo v.).
Glands: indurated, swollen, painful; in neck, axilla, groin, mammae; pains lancinating, cutting, burning (Con.).
Benign suppurations change into ichorous or malignant conditions.
EASILY STRAINED FROM LIFTING, even small weights; straining and overlifting easily produce great debility; ankles turn when walking.
Joints weak; easily sprained by slight exertion (Led.).
Aversion to open, dry, cold air.
After appearance of menses SO WEAK SHE CAN HARDLY SPEAK (Alum., Coc.) ; menses flow only in morning.
Hearing confused; cannot tell from what direction a sound comes.
A stitching pain remains in chest after recovery from pleurisy (Ran. b.).
Menstruation, leucorrhcea, diarrhoea are all exhausting (Ars are all offensive, Psor.).
Complementary: Calc, Phos.
Similar: to, Bad., Brom., Carbo v., Phos.,. Sep., Sulph.
Carbo animalis is often useful after bad effects from spoiled fish and decayed vegetables (Carbo v., Cepa.).
AFTER SHAVING (> after, Brom.) ; slightest touch; after midnight.