Materia Medica

Cina – Dunham


The Wormseed or Tartarian Southernwood, of which the unexpanded flower-heads are used in medicine, is found in Asia Minor, the Levant, Africa and Persia. The flowers have a strong odor, and a bitter, camphoraceous taste.

SENSORIUM. HEAD. Vertigo, with blackness before the eyes, faintness and staggering, immediately relieved by lying down; occurring ors rising from the bed.

Confusion, as a result of headache, as if the whole head were screwed together.

HEADACHE. GENERAL. Violent headache, with feeling of general illness; headache the whole day, a tearing pressure which extends also to the zygoma; pressing headache all day; in the evening it occupies the forehead also; headache as if the whole head were screwed together, with confusion; immediately after a meal, dull drawing internal headache, increased by reading and by mental labor; headache alternating with pressing pain in the abdomen.

SPECIAL. FOREHEAD. External pain, a pressing from above downward, as if a weight were gradually sinking down there; benumbing internal headache, especially of the sinciput, but also of the occiput. Externally, a pressing, benumbing pain in the forehead and temples, which finally involves the whole head; pressure upon the frontal bone, and at the same time, internally, an undulation as of waves dashing; pain above, as if the frontal bone were violently compressed from both sides.

LEFT FOREHEAD. Confusing drawing from the left frontal eminence to the root of the nose. In the left frontal eminence a paralytic tearing, with benumbed sensation in the head, and immediately afterward the same in the right side.

TEMPORAL REGION. Pinching tearing, increased by pressure. Left side: Drawing pressure, like fine tearing, relieved by moving the head. Right side: In the forehead, above the temple, powerful dull stitches, deep in the head, which threaten to benumb one.

VERTICAL REGION. Right side: Numbness in a small spot. Left side: Dull stitches in the brain.

CONDITIONS. The headache is increased by reading and reflection, but relieved by stooping.

REVIEW. The sensorium is indirectly affected by Cina; the vertigo resulting evidently from changes induced in the vegetative system. The vertigo appears to be connected with an anaemic condition, occurring with faintness on rising from the bed, and immediately relieved on lying down. The headache corresponds to the vertigo in its anaemic character, as is seen by the relief which results from stooping, notwithstanding the aggravation from mental exertion and the character of the pains, which would lead one to suspect congestion. Hence Cina corresponds well to that anaemic condition of the brain—the result of depletion, and which is yet so often mistaken for congestion— described by Marshall Hall. The pains in the head are located chiefly in the frontal and temporal regions, as much externally as internally, and point strongly to affection of the cutaneous nerves of sensation distributed to these parts. The pains are pressing, screwed-together pressure from above downward and tearing. Similar pains in the roots of the nose, the eyelids and eye, and in the zygoma and face, point to the efficacy of this remedy in neuralgia.

GENERAL. Dull headache, with affection of the eyes.

ORBIT. Convulsive motions of the corrugator supercilii.

EYES. GENERAL. Dull headache, with affection of the eyes; dull pain in the eyes on reading and mental labor.

ASPECT. A sick appearance around the eyes and in the face.

LIDS. Weakness of the upper lids, so that the eyes can scarcely be opened (Dulcamara). Burning and itching in the canthi and margins of the lids, compelling to rub them, with a scanty secretion in the inner canthus in the morning.

GLOBE. Pressing pain internally in the eyes, generally with dilatation; dryness of the lids and pressing, as if sand were in the eye; pressing pain on reading a little.

VISION. In the evening, when reading by a candle, everything appears as if seen through a veil; relieved for a short time by wiping the eye. On reading, dullness of vision, relieved for a short time by violent rubbing of the eye.

REVIEW. Blue margins around the eye, indicative of abdominal disease. The nerves of the lids, as well as that of the special sense, are evidently involved, weakness of vision resulting from the latter. A moderate degree of conjunctivitis and blepharitis is also induced, aggravated by using the eye and compelling to rub it frequently. Rubbing removes the dimness for a short time.

EARS. Spasmodic jerkings in the external ear, like earache. Below the mastoid process dull sticking, like a pinching pressure, aggravated by external pressure, as from a blow or shock.

NOSE. Boring in the nose until blood comes.

FACE. Infra orbital region. Dull pressure, excited or aggravated by external pressure.

ZYGOMATIC REGION. Pain, as if both zygomata were seized with a pair of tongs and compressed; aggravated by external pressure. Cramp-like jerkings in the zygoma, a pain which even when gone may be re-induced by external pressure, by which, however, it is induced as a continuous pricking or paralytic pain. Periodic twisting, tearing pain in zygoma, wandering from one part to another.

INFERIOR MAXILLARY REGION. Right side. Dull sticking pain in the ramus, increased by pressure. Left side. Fine stickings as with needles in maxilla, increased by pressure with the hand. Jerking pain in maxilla.


EXPRESSION AND ASPECT. Pale, and livid around the mouth; puffed and bluish face. The child leans its head on one side.

CERVICAL REGION. Paralytic feeling in the nape of the neck. Boring stitches in the right cervical muscles, synchronous with the pulse ; relieved by motion of the neck.

REVIEW. A variety of prosopalgia is distinctly represented by Cina. The supra and infra orbital nerves and that portion of the facial nerve which is distributed over the zygoma, are involved in this affection; and it occasionally extends to the infra-maxillary region. It differs from that of Graphites in not involving the malar region. The pain is a compression and pressure more or less acute, sometimes as with tongs, and is always increased and frequently re-induced by external pressure.

Toothache, as from soreness. Inhaled air and cold drinks penetrate painfully the teeth.

MOUTH. Dryness and roughness of the mouth, and especially of the palate, with qualmishness.

DEGLUTITION. Inability to swallow; drink rolls around audibly in the mouth a long time.

WORMS. Lumbricoides are passed from the mouth of a child.

APPETITE. Great hunger shortly after a meal. Thirst.

GASTRIC SYMPTOMS. Eructations. In the morning, before eating, empty eructations. After a meal, eructations tasting of the ingesta, and gulping up of a bitter-sour fluid.

EPIGASTRIC REGION. Qualmishness, with chill.

Nausea; with empty feeling in the head.

Frequent hiccough.

After a meal, straight across the epigastric zone, a pinching or cramp-like pressure. A pain which embarrasses respiration. A digging, crowding pain, as if beaten.

LEFT SIDE. Dull sticking, increased by external pressure, and diminished by deep inspiration. Pressing pain in the navel.

UMBILICAL REGION. Above the umbilicus, boring pain, relieved by external pressure.

LEFT SIDE. Intermitting, fine stitches, like griping, while sitting. Sudden, deep, sharp stitches, especially when inspiring, and at the same time stitches in the inner side of scapula; P. M. Violent pain as if navel were forcibly pressed inward, or had been struck; increased by respiration. Twisting pain increased by pressure. Odious feeling of warmth in abdomen, which became cutting pain.

ABDOMEN. HYPOGASTRIUM. Just over the pubis an internal pulsation.

FLATUS. Constant noiseless motion of flatus.

RECTUM. On discharge of flatus, violent stitches in rectum. URINE. Frequent desire to urinate, with copious discharge. Urine is turbid as soon as discharged. UTERUS. Metrorrhagia of a girl ten years old during the use of Cina.

REVIEW. A depraved state of the digestive organs is set forth by the few symptoms we have touching the intestinal tract. Dryness of the mouth; affection of the apparatus of deglutition; canine hunger shortly after a meal; qualmish distress at the epigastrium, and winding and sticking pains around the umbilicus, with peculiar sickish pressure in the epigastric zone. These symptoms correspond remarkably to those of helminthiasis, as do also the sickly, pale and livid expression of countenance and the constant disposition to bore in the nostrils.

NASAL MEMBRANE. Left nostril. Burning deep within, as if haemorrhage would ensue or as if produced by brandy. On the septum, a burning pain as if a scab had been torn away. Worse when touched. Violent sneezing, with bursting sensation in the head and temples, which continues for some time. The same, with bursting feeling in chest, which continues, especially on the right side.

CORYZA. Constant pressure of movable tenacious mucus in the nose; discharge of purulent matter; coryza in the forenoon, obstruction in the evening.

REVIEW. No clearly defined inflammatory coryza; but a disposition to ulceration corresponding to that of helminthiasis, and a tendency to hyper-secretion of mucus and to formation of pus.

LARYNX AND TRACHEA. Sensations: Tickling irritation, rather deep in the trachea, disposing to cough, which is followed by white mucus sputa. The same in trachea under the manubrium of the sternum, with a similar discharge.

SECRETION. DRYNESS. Feeling of dryness posteriorly in the throat; a catarrhal sensation ; increase of mucus in the larynx, ejected by voluntary coughing and hawking; mucus hangs in the larynx in the morning on rising, compelling to frequent hawkings, and soon re-appearing again. In the morning, constant production of mucus, compelling to hem and hawk, etc.

RESPIRATION. Difficult, loud respiration; short, rattling (in the throat) respiration.

On walking in the open air, short, rattling respiration, as if much mucus were upon the chest, yet no disposition to cough; very short respirations, with occasional interruptions; child, very short-breathed with loud rattling in the chest.

A kind of constriction of the chest; the sternum seems to lie too close, and respiration is embarrassed; dyspnoea, with anxiety and much sweat.

SOUNDS OF CHEST. Rattling in throat and chest; a loud whistling purring, heard only during inspiration.

COUGH. EXCITING CAUSE. Deep inspiration ; tickling deep in the trachea, and just under the manubrium of the sternum; feeling as of down in the trachea on inspiration.

CHARACTER. Violent paroxysms from time to time. Hoarse cough (with disposition to vomit), the paroxysm consisting of but few coughs, and recurring after a considerable pause in the evening. The same in the morning, provoked again by inspiration. In the morning after rising, violent hollow cough toward the upper part of the trachea, by which mucus is slowly loosened. Morning cough, so violent as to bring tears into the eyes. Before coughing, the child suddenly rises up in bed and looks wildly around; the whole body becomes somewhat rigid; she is unconscious, as if an epileptic spasm were coming on, and then cough ensues. After coughing, the child cries out “au! au!” and gurgling downward is heard; she is anxious, bites at the air for breath, and is very-pale in the face; the paroxysm lasts two minutes. When coughing, pain in the upper part of the chest under the sternum, and when after a time mucus has been loosened and discharged, sore and burning pain in this part as if something had been torn away.

CHEST. STERNAL REGION. Pain under the sternum, a cramping pain when running; a spasmodic digging, as if the chest would burst.

Painful digging superiorly under the sternum.

LEFT SIDE. Sudden, spasmodic, constrictive pain; an outward pressing pain, now in the left chest, now in the loins; the latter as if from much stooping, worse on expiration; pinching pain, increased by every inspiration.

Between the second and third ribs, pinching pain; pinching, sticking pain; pricking, burning, intermitting, fine stitches in the side on one of the true ribs; dull stitches near the sternum, upon the costal cartilage, increased by pressure and by expiration ; diminished by inspiration; sudden jerking stickings between fifth and sixth ribs.

CLAVICULAR REGION. Near the sternum, under the clavicle, on deep inspiration, two dull, piercing stitches in quick succession; on expiration, nothing is felt; on pressure, very painful.

RIGHT SIDE. Between the sixth and eighth ribs, jerking sticking pains, not affected by respiration or pressure; in the middle of the right side, under the ribs, a boring, sticking pain, relieved by pressure.

HEART. Palpitation; great anxiety in the praecordia, as if he had suffered some evil in the heart; when walking in the open air.

REVIEW. The symptoms of the respiratory organs indicate a catarrhal affection of a light grade, with nervous excitement, quite disproportioned in its great severity to the former; and not merely local, but involving also the whole cerebrospinal system. Indicative of the catarrhal state, we have accumulation of mucus in the pharynx, larynx and head of the trachea, with loud rattling in the upper part of the trachea and rattling respiration, the catarrh being confined to these organs and the primary bronchi; while the excessive nervous irritability is exhibited in the undue violence of the exertion made to remove this mucus; the cough so violent as to bring tears into the eyes, as to produce pain under the sternum and soreness, and also in the susceptibility to cough on unusually deep respiration, a state of things analogous to that irritability of the cutaneous tissues which induces pain when pressed upon. Hence, probably, the dyspnoea, which is one of the symptoms of Cina, and the feeling of constriction of the chest. The participation of the general nervous system in this over-excitement is shown in the spasmodic affection which precedes a paroxysm of coughing, and which simulates so closely a paroxysm of whooping-cough. This preponderance of the nervous over the local affection indicates the role which Cina plays in whooping-cough and in spasmodic asthma.

The external chest is affected by varieties of dull and fine stitches, generally increased by pressure and by inspiratin. So far as defined they resemble intercostal neuralgia.

BACK. LUMBAR REGION. Pain as if beaten, not increased by motion. Paralytic pain. After a meal, sensation as if the loins just above the hips were constricted by a tight band. A sensation of fatigue as from long standing, felt also in the whole spine on bending sidewise or backward.

SPINAL COLUMN GENERALLY. Pains and sensations. Tearing, jerking pain ; sticking pain, relieved by motion but returning on repose. Even in bed, when lying on the back or side, pain as if broken.

SCAPULAE. RIGHT. Tearing, sticking in the upper part of the spine toward right scapula. Pain in scapulae when they are moved. Sticking pain on external margin.

EXTREMITIES. UPPER. Drawing, digging, tearing pain in all parts of the extremity, from the top of the shoulder to the hand, not affected by pressure or motion, or if relieved by pressure returning again when the pressure is removed. Paralyzed feeling in the whole arm and hand, it sinks by one’s side. Paralyzed feeling, as if the arm, hand and fingers were asleep. Paralyzed feeling through the middle of the arm, one can hardly venture to move the arm; soreness on pressing the affected spot. Contracted sensation like cramp in the forearm and hand, relieved by motion. Little jerking stitches in the hands. Spasmodic contraction of the flexors of the fingers and thumbs.

EXTREMITIES. LOWER. HIPS. ILIAC REGION. A boring, from within outward, below the glutaei, while sitting, relieved by pressure and motion, but returning again (characteristic in the muscular affections of Cina). Glutaei pain when sitting, as if fatigued thereby. When walking, pain in great trochanter, as from a fall. Spasmodic cramp and drawing tearing in the right thigh, relieved by violent motion. Paralytic pain near the knee.

Stitches near the knee and upon the patella. Hot flashes, not unpleasant, as from a hot coal near the knee.

Sticking and cutting pain in the toes, as if they were loosed, and in the leg, not relieved by motion. Spasmodic motion of the foot in a child. Clonic spasm of the left limb, followed by paralytic extension of it.

REVIEW. The pains in limbs and back appear to be of a neuralgic nature; and when more pronounced this affection shows itself under the form of paralysis or convulsions, thus corresponding with the spasmodic affection of the larynx and respiratory muscles, and indicating the appropriateness of this remedy in certain forms of chorea. The pains are in general not affected by motion or pressure, or if relieved by pressure return again.

SKIN. Burning, fine stitches in various parts of the body, relieved by scratching. Pricking, itching, crawling sensation in various parts of the body, relieved by scratching. Violent itching at night; eruption of red, itching pimples, which quickly disappear. Transparent, miliary eruption.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS, involving several parts of the body. Dull stitches here and there, now in limbs, arms, feet and toes; now in the side or back; now in the bones of the nose, but especially on the posterior part of the crest of the ilium (on the hip); dull stitches, sometimes like pinching, pressing or shocks or itching; the spots feel sore and as if beaten when pressed upon.

Spasmodic stitches and tearings in various parts of the muscular system, often only instantaneous, involving also the head and chin.

CONVULSIONS. Convulsive movements of the limbs; paralytic jerkings in various parts of the body, especially in the limbs.

Epileptic convulsions, with consciousness (eclampsia). In the afternoon, an attack of spasmodic extension of the body; then trembling of the whole body, with blue lips and whining complaints of pain in the chest, throat and all the limbs; paralytic pain in arms and legs.

CHARACTERISTICS. The child is very feeble, lax and ailing; painful sensibility in the limbs of the whole body on motion ana touch. The attacks are worse early in the morning and in the evening, and the symptoms are most violent always after eating.

REVIEW. The disposition to that amount of nervous erethism of the nerves, which expresses itself in neuralgic pain, is exhibited in the pains felt in various parts of the body. It is characteristic of these pains that they pass quickly from one part of the body to another, are much aggravated and re-provoked by pressure. The convulsions correspond also to the erethism of the nerves of motion already remarked. In the convulsions thus produced, it is to be remarked that the sensorium does not at all participate, even the epileptic (so-called) convulsions being unattended by unconsciousness.

SLEEP. Frequent yawning, as if one had not slept enough. While sitting, great sleepiness; he must lie down; sleepiness the whole day long; invincible sleepiness; restlessness at night, frequent tossing and discomfort in every position; sleeplessness ; tossing during sleep, with pitiful outcry and complaint of bellyache; awaking with cries, groaning and hiccough, with restless motions; dreams; anxious, tiresome, unpleasant, busy dreams.

FEBRILE SYMPTOMS. General groups: Fever, vomiting of food, then chilliness over the whole body, followed by heat with great thirst; daily fever at the same hour; chill, followed by heat with great thirst; daily fever at the same hour; chill, followed by heat without thirst; daily fever at the same hour with very short respiration ; fever daily, afternoon; several attacks of chill, with thirst and coldness of the hands and feet; followed by heat of the face, which, however, is pale, but especially heat of the hands and feet, with cutting pain in the abdomen.

SPECIAL PARTS OF THE PAROXYSM. CHILL. GENERAL. Yawning, trembling of the body, with a shuddering sensation; shivering over the upper part of the body toward the head, with horripilation, even by the warm stove; shiverings run over the body, so that one trembles even by the warm stove.

PARTIAL. Coldness of the face with warm hands; cold cheeks; pale, cold face, cold sweat of the forehead; of the forehead and hands; of forehead, nose and hands.

HEAT. GENERAL. Chill over the whole body, with hot cheeks without thirst; strong fever, with vomiting and diarrhoea; heat in the evening, and during the night.

PARTIAL. Heat, mostly of the head, with yellow complexion and blue rings around the eyes; feeling of heat, and heat with redness of the face; burning heat over the whole face, with red cheeks and thirst for cold drinks; palpitation.

REVIEW. The intermittent of Cina is evidently not of a type to which violent paroxysms belong. The paroxysm is often preceded or attended by vomiting of food or pain in the abdomen. It recurs at the same hour daily. The chill is not very severe, is sometimes partial, and if so, confined to the upper part of the body, and is not relieved by external warmth. It is sometimes attended by thirst, but the relation of thirst to the members of a Cina paroxysm is not well defined. It is sometimes attended by short respiration. The chill is often accompanied by warm hands and by hot, though pale, cheeks (calor mordax ?), and by cold sweat of the forehead and nose and hands, either or all. The chill presents more characteristic features than the heat.

HEAT. The heat may be general or partial. If general, it is attended by red cheeks and desire for cold drinks, and occurs at night. It is often partial, confined generally to the head; the face being at the same time yellow, with blue rings around the eyes.

SWEAT. Beside the cold sweat of the forehead, nose and hands, which accompany the chill, no mention is made of sweat.

We thus see the type of intermittent in the paroxysms of which reaction is very imperfectly established. This accords well with the disposition of Cina to produce a cachexy, the stress of which falls upon the abdominal organs—a cachexy closely resembling probably that of helminthiasis.

DISPOSITION. The child is very whining and peevish and complaining; weeps piteously if one go to handle or lead him. Great earnestness and sensibility ; cannot take a joke. Indifference to all impressions. Restlessness. Greediness. Cannot be composed by things at other times agreeable, or by caresses.

General Observations

ACTION ON THE VITAL POWER. Cina does not exercise any very strongly marked action on the general vitality. The sensorium is in no special manner directly affected. It is involved secondarily in the anaemic cachexy which Cina produces. Of the special senses that of vision alone is affected, the power of the visual organ being simply reduced in degree. A similar action is exerted upon the voluntary muscular system, paralytic sensations and partial temporary paralysis occurring in the extremities ; but this paralysis is not pure and simple, but is complicated with convulsive muscular . contractions, the co-ordinating power appearing to be in abeyance, a state of things which at once calls to mind the disease, chorea.

ACTION ON ORGANIC SUBSTANCES. Of this we know little. That Cina, however, does strikingly impair the nutrition is shown by the yellowish, livid complexion, the paleness about the mouth, and the blue margins about the orbits; and the locations of these phenomena point to the abdomen and the digestive canal as the primary seat of the organic alterations, whatever these may be. They suggest those which result in the cachexy of helminthiasis.

The sphere of action of Cina is not very extensive. The nerves of sensation, especially about the face and extremities, are affected, as the neuralgias show ; those of motion, as the convulsions exhibit; those of special function, in connection with those of sensation and motion, as the convulsive action of the laryngeal and respiratory organs show, together with the hyperesthesia of the laryngeal mucous membrane. The distress in the epigastric region, the frequent vomiting of food in other affections, pains in the abdomen, and the peculiarities of the intermittent fever paroxysms, chill, with vomiting of food and imperfect reaction, show the influence of Cina upon the abdominal organs.

PECULIARITIES OF PAIN. The abnormal sensitiveness of individual nervous filaments is aggravated by external pressure, and the pain generally is so aggravated or reproduced.

AGGRAVATIONS. The symptoms of Cina are all worse after a meal, at night and early morning.

PERIODICITY. Marked in the febrile symptoms. The paroxysms of intermittent recur at the same hour every day.