Materia Medica

Palladium – Farrington


Palladium is of use principally for its action on the female genital organs. Its characteristic mental symptoms seem to find origin in the sexual symptoms, and form with the latter, a useful and precise group for practical use. The patient is inclined to weep. She suffers from mental excitement, particularly in company. She always has an aggravation of her symptoms the day following an evening’s entertainment. She is easily put out of humor, and is then inclined to use pretty strong language. She imagines herself very much neglected, and as she attaches great importance to the good opinion of others, this annoys her very much. The Platina woman is very different. She is egotistical in another form. Under Palladium, pride is easily wounded. In Platina the patient is haughty and egotistical; she looks down on others as not being good enough for her.

Palladium has a very characteristic headache which makes the patient very irritable. It extends across the top of the head from ear to ear. The face is sallow, with blue rings around the eyes. There are also nausea, usually worse in the evening, and very acid eructations. The bowels are constipated, the stools often being whitish in color.

We come now to the special uterine symptoms of Palladium, and these we find quite numerous. They are as follows: Soreness in the abdomen with downward pressure, a very common symptom in uterine diseases; pain in the uterus and bladder after any exertion during the day; knife-like cutting pains in the uterus, which are relieved after stool; constant tired feeling in the small of the back; she is so tired that she actually reels; she feels drowsy; she complains that she feels sore and bruised all over; heaviness as from lead deeply seated in the pelvis, worse from any exertion, and worse standing; walking is much less irksome to her than is standing; lying on the left side relieves; swelling in the region of the right ovary with shooting pains from navel into the pelvis, and with this there is bearing down, relieved by rubbing. These local symptoms, together with those of the mind, make up the complete Palladium picture.

ARGENTICUM METALLICUM, like Palladium, has affections of the ovaries and uterus. It is useful in prolapsus uteri when accompanied by symptoms of the left ovary. The special characteristic sensation in Argentum metallicum is a feeling as though the left ovary was growing enormously large.

Still another drug is LILIUM TIGRINUM. This resembles Palladium and Platinum both, and you will have to keep these three remedies together in your minds. They all have irritability, “easily angered,” and “things don’t go right,” but only Palladium has this over-sensitiveness to offence, and only Platinum has HAUTEUR.

HELONIAS is also similar to Palladium. It has the irritability, the soreness, and, above all, a feeling of “tiredness.”