Materia Medica

Absinthium – Farrington


Absinthium, another form of wormwood, is of interest to you not only as a medicine but also because you will meet with cases of its abuse in those who indulge in it as a drink. The first effect of Absinthe is an exhilaration of the mind which is of course followed by damaging results, among which is a horrible delirium. In this delirium, the patient is obliged to walk about. You will note this symptom running through all the remedies of the order. Chamomilla and Cina have relief from moving about; and Artemisia has desire to move about; and here under Absinthium, the patient walks about in distress, seeing all sorts of visions. The use we may make of Absinthium is in the sleeplessness of typhoid fever when there is congestion at the base of the brain.