
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 2054

symptoms mentioned above occur every four weeks but the bleeding is totally absent, there is a good chance that Conium is indicated. ‘Menses stopped by putting hands in cold water’.
In a recent case, this symptom permitted the cure of a patient whose menses stopped after the first day. She had prepared beans in cold water before. Now she suffered with pain and congestion in abdomen, back and mammae (which was not the case otherwise). The cause made the therapist think of Conium, and the remedy brought the menses back and made the pain disappear (Sharma, Klassische Homoopathie 6/92).
Leucorrhoea which is preceded by much abdominal pain and a weak and lame feeling in the small of the back; afterwards lassitude and exhaustion. ‘Leucorrhoea of a white acrid mucus, which caused burning’. ‘Thick, milky leucorrhoea, with contractive labour-like colic coming from both sides’. A discharge of bloody mucus is also reported.
Conium may also be indicated in vomiting of pregnancy; in complete insomnia and extreme exhaustion for days after childbirth, with excessive photophobia; in oozing of milk from the breasts long after weaning of the child, but also in dwindling of the mammae. ‘The female milk glands shrivel from Conium so that the most beautiful bosom looks like an empty fold of the skin’ (from Heraclides).
Severe itching deep in the vagina.
Violent stitches at the female parts.
Vulva very sore to the touch.
Neck and Back
Conium is an important remedy in indurated swelling of cervical lymph nodes.
‘Crawling in the spine, as from falling asleep’. Permanent sensation of numbness in the region of the shoulder blades.
Tensive pains in back, especially in the muscles below the scapulae, aggravated by raising the arms.
Pains as if sprained in the left side of back, also in the neck.
Stitches in small of back, with a drawing pain through the lumbar vertebrae,
when standing.
Pain in small of back, especially drawing or dragging downward, in connection