Excessive photophobia, frequently without any signs of inflammation in the eye. Dazzling of the eyes from light of day, even in the room. Photophobia may be coupled with lid spasms. From a classic case: ‘I frequently saw the most excessive photophobia with spasm of the lids. After hard efforts to separate the lids it finally succeeded, and a flood of hot tears spurted out, but cornea as well as sclerotica proved free of any inflammatory process’.
Disturbances of vision that are caused by injury, as for instance: ophthalmia after injury by a wood-chip, with dimness of cornea; dimness of the lens (cataract) after a blow against the eye, etc.
Much and constant dilatation of the pupils.
Burning in the eyes, and especially of the inner surface of the eyelids. Pressure in eyes, worse when reading.
A biting pain in the inner canthi as if something caustic had come in, with lachrymation. Itching beneath the eyes, rubbing does not ameliorate but leads to a burning biting pain.
Repeated manifestation of styes, especially if styes became indurated A strange symptom from Bonninghausen: cold feeling in eyes when walking in the open air.
In Meniere’s disease it is the first remedy to be thought of.
Much accumulation of earwax, even obstruction of the external meatus, with partial deafness. Conium may act curatively, especially when this complaint is coupled with pain in the liver region.
Something comes before the ears on blowing the nose and they feel stopped. Or else: painful sensitivity of hearing, noise startles him.
Noises in the ears: ringing, buzzing, humming, throbbing. Tinnitus.
Tearing and stinging pains in and around the ears.
Or else: drawing stinging pain, from within outward, in the ear.
Swelling and induration of the parotid gland, with painful tension of the skin.
Tendency to bore or pick in the nose, which bleeds easily.
Epistaxis when sneezing.