possible’, and he screamed with pain on every attempt of the physician to extend the limb.
Pain in a place the size of a coin, high up at the femur, causing the patient to limp; the feeling is as if ‘boring deep into the bone’.
The thigh aches on walking, as though the psoas muscle were too short. Stinging tearing and drawing jerking pains, from hip down the thigh to the bend of the knee, sometimes further down to the ankles; attended or followed by sensations of numbness.
Feeling of coldness in knees which are, however, warm to the touch.
Strange sensations: ‘Feeling as if asleep, longitudinally along the outer side of the right calf, as though in the track of a nerve. This feeling increased in extent, as if the nerve were swollen in its periphery, passed gradually into a dull pressing-constrictive sensation and slowly disappeared’.
The feet increase in volume so that the shoes become too narrow at the instep. Dull pressing, cramp-like pains in the dorsum of the foot; they seem to be seated in the periostium of the tarsal bones.
The feet also tend to fall asleep, especially the left one; or first the left foot becomes numb, and as soon as the sensibility begins to return there, the right one starts to fall asleep.
Sleeps on back, one hand under the occiput, the other arm above the head. Insomnia and restlessness, on account of vexation and anger; pains that banish sleep, sometimes attended with oppression of breathing and anxiety.
Fever, Chill and Perspiration
Feeling of coldness in whole body, or else in single parts, as the knees (which are, however, warm to the touch). Shivering through whole body, with heat of face.
Strange sensations of coldness ascending from the abdomen, as a concomitant of abdominal pains. For instance: ‘Abdominal pains with restless¬ness in whole body, and with this, a cold shiver seems to blow through both cheeks; the chill ascends from the abdomen and disappears immediately as the pain increases’.