Citrullus Colocynthis. Cucumis Colocynthis. Bitter Apple, a species of cucumber.
N.O. Cucurbitaceae.
Tincture of fruit-pulp.
This a remedy that affects the abdomen, especially the colon. It causes inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes, which are often connected with cramps and spasms, and it is a remedy in spastic colitis (irritable colon). There are very severe pains in the abdomen, which are better by pressure: when the patient draws up his legs and bends double and when he presses hard into the abdomen, for instance by bending over the edge of the table or back of a chair, then the pain is a little relieved, otherwise it is unbearable. In many cases nothing helps but pressure.
Colocynthis is also an important remedy in dysmenorrhoea with severe cramp-like pains in the abdomen, if the modality ‘better bending double’ is present. There may also be an amelioration by warmth (which is, however, more characteristic of Magnesia Phosphorica). Eating or drinking the least quantity usually aggra¬vates. Moreover, pains are often worse at rest, and motion, such as wriggling around etc., will make them more tolerable; but often the patient cannot find rest in any position.
These abdominal pains are often a result of anger. There is a lot of anger inside the Colocynthis patient. You can feel it in a certain situation in everyday life, namely when you ask these people a question. They cannot stand that, they get angry when questioned. The provings give: ‘Disinclined to talk the whole day’. ‘Morose mood; becomes offended at everything; does not like to