Female Genitalia
Colchicum has an influence on menstruation. It may occur earlier (‘seven days earlier than usual’), or it may suddenly cease. (‘The menstrual bleeding, which had just begun, disappears’.) The remedy has been used in sudden disappear¬ance of the menstrual bleeding, followed by hydrometra.
Colchicum is indicated in nausea of pregnancy with extreme sensi¬tivity to odours of food if the symptoms agree.
Neck and Back
Violent pains in renal region, especially with nephritis, dysentery, diarrhoea, etc.; better when lying on back.
Rheumatic pains in neck and back, in shoulders and loins, in hips and small of the back. Strange modalities concerning the time occurred in a case of Williams: ‘Rheumatism mostly in loins and left hip. Pains usually very violent at 4 pm, lasting till 6 pm, afterwards relieved; returning again about 8 or 9 pm or else at 1 am, expanding as far as the left shoulder and chest, lasting several hours’.
Tensive pain in muscles of neck, felt externally and when swallowing.
Bruised pain in small of back.
Painful spot, as large as a hand, in the middle of the sacrum, intolerably aching from slightest touch.
Stinging-tensive pain between scapulae, worse during motion, has to walk bent over for a while.
Some descriptions of rheumatic complaints at the joints of the extremities:
‘Rheumatism with fever, pains drawing tearing (stinging), usually wander¬ing, without redness, without swelling of parts (or only moderate, pale swelling), worse in the evening and especially at night, aggravated by touch and motion’. (Kurtz)
‘Stinging tearing pains, increasing with the fever, at night intolerably violent, relieved in the morning and then shifting to another part’. (Hartmann) ‘Affections of joints but without swelling and redness, with general painfulness of the body and excessive irritability with the pains’, (ibid.)