Much belching of tasteless air; with burning in stomach.
Pressure, cramps, heaviness etc. in the stomach; with much tenderness of the stomach region to touch.
‘Gastric note’ (Kurtz) in rheumatic complaints: slightly coated tongue, pasty and bitter taste, loss of appetite, pressive pain in stomach, empty eructation.
In the region of the stomach, two strong sensations appear: ‘The stomach seems to be icy cold all the time’ and ‘Violent burning in the epigastrium’.
Much flatulent distension of the abdomen; tympanites. ‘Just below the right short ribs, a pain as from incarcerated flatus’. Or else ‘Great distension of the abdomen, as if she had eaten too much, although she had not taken the slightest food; after taking a moderate amount of very light food this sensation became much more troublesome’. Colchicum is well known to the homeopathic veterinarian as a remedy in flatulent distension of cows that have eaten too much wet clover.
There may be different kinds of pains in the belly: pinching, twingeing, cramping, squeezing, sometimes really violent; also burning or icy coldness; often there is marked soreness to touch. Colicky pains; Colchicum may be indicated by Colica mucomembranacea. A special locality is the sigmoid colon where tearing pains may be present which are aggravated by pressure and at night. On the other hand, virtual painlessness may also exist, e.g. in dysentery: ‘No actual pain in the belly, but only a rumbling noise with sensation as if diarrhoea would begin every moment’.
‘Ascites, also with a fold or crease above the pubic arc’ (Jahr).
Rectum and Stool
Colchicum is an important remedy in diarrhoea, dysenteric and choler¬aic complaints etc. There are many well-confirmed symptoms in this region: Excessively violent urging for stool; violent tenesmus.
Stools consisting only of transparent, gelatinous mucus. Usually the evacuations will relive the abdominal pains, but sometimes after the discharge a torturing pain will continue for hours in the anus and rectum. Bloody stools,