Of course, insomnia on account of excessive mental and physical excitement is the most important symptom in this section. Insomnia as a consequence of drinking coffee, from over-excitement, from pleasurable excite¬ment; insomnia remaining after a severe disease; insomnia before midnight or after midnight, on account of violent pains, anxiety, restlessness, rush of ideas, etc. Awakes from the slightest noise.
Disturbances of sleep in children, with excessive irritability and sensi¬tivity and with continuous weeping and lamenting.
Restless sleep with frequent waking, very long and vivid dreams.
Also: ‘Inclination to lie down and close the eyes, but without being able or even wanting to fall asleep’.
Fever, Chill and Perspiration
The face is often red and hot, the eyes are shining. But the limbs may be cold, and an internal chill may be present.
Attacks of chill, increased by exercise or motion.
Shivering through whole body (with warm skin), more perceptible on movement of the body.
Great sensitivity to cold.
Chills running down back, afterwards the face becomes quickly red and hot; the hands are cold in the beginning and then start to become hot on their inner surface, while the outer surface remains cold.
‘Repeatedly chill and shivering in the back, while the body is as warm as usual’. Sensations of coldness and chill in the ‘back part of the body’.
Internal shivering with heat in the head and perspiration of face.
Or else: inward chill with external heat of whole body, especially after retiring.
Dry heat, or perspiration over and over.
‘During the febrile heat she talked irrationally, with open eyes, wishing this or that thing brought to her’.
Feverish excitement, also with tendency to weep, lament, and whine, and with extreme sensitivity to pain; in all kinds of infectious diseases, as measles, scarlatina, etc.