Cracking of the knees on motion.
Hot swelling of feet, continuously itching. Cold sweat of the feet.
As well known, loss of sleep is an important cause for Cocculus complaints of all sorts. ‘Least loss of sleep makes him lose strength, he misses every hour of sleep’. Loss of sleep may, paradoxically, lead to insomnia; is so tired that he cannot fall asleep. ‘Constant yawning and stretching, after lying down in bed’. On the other hand, not only loss of sleep will have ill effects, but also sleeping itself! It aggravates a lot of complaints, particularly those of the head. For the sleep is often unrefreshing and ‘heavy’; has to yawn incessantly in the morning, or is unable to open his eyes. There is an ‘unconquerable sleepiness and stupefaction, like a coma’. Insomnia during the first days of the menses; the week before the menses.
Two interesting keynotes that are well confirmed;
‘Can only sleep on her stomach with her hand under her head’. Dreams of dying and of death. Anxious and frightful dreams that are very vivid. Dreams of wrongdoing.
Fever, Chill and Perspiration
Flushes of heat have been caused and cured by Cocculus. For instance: flushes of heat ‘pre-climactic’ (in a 44 year old woman), ascending from waist to head, and disturbing sleep. Triggered, for example, by sudden thoughts and ideas. With this, irregular menses. ‘Flushes of heat, very fast and intense’. Flushes of heat, with burning heat of cheeks and very cold feet. Glowing red cheeks, with chill over whole body.
A striking characteristic in this system is a very frequent and quick alternation of chill and heat. Or else: continuous chilliness with hot skin. Chill is often felt internally and attended with a shivering through the whole body. Sometimes it is not even ameliorated by external warmth, for instance in a warm room, and is accompanied by trembling of the limbs.