increased sensitive of the spine, either in single vertebrae or along its whole length. ‘Sensitiveness of vertebrae to touch, but cannot locate pain’.
Pressure in the scapulae and nape of the neck.
Frequent stitches between scapulae and in small of back.
Coldness of the back as from ice.
A peculiar symptom in this system is a painful and paralytic stiffness of the joints. They are straightened out and cannot be bent without pain, or even without help. Kent describes this state: ‘Persons who have been suffering from anxiety, prostrated,, will lie on the back, straighten out their limbs, and get only up with great difficulty. The doctor…bends the limbs and the patient screams, but she is relieved after the bending, and then she can get up and move about. You cannot find that anywhere else. It is completely without inflammation. It is a sort of paralytic stiffness…’ In the proving we find: ‘Limbs are painful when moved, as if broken or crushed’. The paralytic rigidity may be accompanied by a cracking and creaking in the joints. ‘Immobility of the limbs with drawing pains, seemingly in the bones’.
‘Painful lameness in the arms and legs; she could scarcely rise from her seat, with loss of appetite’.
There is a tendency to trembling of all limbs. ‘Trembling in all the limbs, always with chilliness, which does not disappear even in a warm room, especially in the evening’.
Numbness is a strong symptom in Cocculus. And most characteristic is a ‘migratory numbness’ as Kent puts it. Numbness now of the feet, now of the hands, alternately, in transitory attacks. Cold and numb hands and feet. Awkwardness and incoordination are frequent symptoms in Cocculus. Ataxic gait, awkward and lame hands, drops things, etc. Moreover, there are also violent spasmodic symptoms: ‘Violent spasms of arms and legs, which were continually shaken and pushed away from the body, with jerks through body like electric shocks’.
Cocculus acted curatively in a case of acute articular rheumatism, pain springing from joint to joint, with redness, swelling and stiffness; slightest touch or motion