‘In the abdomen she has a sensation of hollowness and emptiness as if there were no viscera at all’.
On the other hand, great distension of the abdomen is frequently observed. This is especially the case in connection with the menses (dysmenorrhoea), and more so when the menses are too early.
The bellyache will aggravate with every jar and motion, especially on every step. It is described ‘as if the inner parts were suffering from the sharp pressure of a stone’ or ‘as if sharp stones rubbed against each other’ or else ‘as if there were an internal ulcer’. It may also be simply pressive, like a heavy stone in the umbilical region.
Another pain is a cutting-contracting pain on every motion and every breath, accompanied by a contraction in rectum.
Cocculus has violent flatulent colic, often about midnight. The characteristic feature is the restlessness that ensues: was obliged to cons¬tantly turn from one side to the other in order to obtain relief.
The relief is always only momentarily. ‘Flatulent troubles soon after supper; flatus distending now this and now that part of intestines and is discharged with difficulty’.
‘Liver area more painful after anger’.
Cocculus has often successfully been described in inguinal hernia and disposition to hernia with weakness of abdominal muscles. This indication has its source in Hahnemann’s proving, in the following symptoms: ‘Paralytic pain in the right abdominal ring, as if something would force itself through; a pain, as from hernia, only while sitting, ceases on rising’.
Rectum and Stool
Contractive pain in the anus, preventing sitting, in the afternoon. Contraction of the rectum, with painful and early menses. Or else: after stool, violent tenesmus, even to fainting. Prolapsus recti after stool.
This group of symptoms may also occur in a slightly different fashion, e.g. like this: ‘Awakes at night from strong pressure in rectum. The pressive pain may become so violent as to induce fainting’. Diarrhoeic stools are often brightly coloured or pale and tend to occur