Nausea will also be excited by becoming cold or chilled, and in this case it is accompanied by frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Eating and drinking will also cause nausea, even speaking may make the patient sick. ‘When she eats, she becomes nauseous to the point of vomiting’.
There is a strange kind of locality with the nauseous feeling. ‘Nausea, in the afternoon after every drink, it seems to be mostly in the mouth’. Hering describes that in seasickness he felt a nausea like an ‘internal tensive sensation that extended from the stomach to the base of the head’. Nausea felt in mouth and head is characteristic. Sometimes it is attended by a feeling as if the stomach heaved up and down.
Often there is no actual vomiting but only a very intense and ineffective retching. The nausea rises to a tremendous height but does not lead to evacuation of the food. But there may also be actual vomiting of mucus and bile, or mucus and water, etc. It will usually need much exertion but hardly bring relief. Many eructation, which smell putrid or taste bitter. Attempts to belch, with incomplete eructation that develop into a hiccup.
A characteristic sensation in the stomach is a feeling as though a worm were moving in it. Griping, cramping, pinching, constrictive pains in the region of the stomach with the peculiarity of taking away the breath.
‘Pain beneath the stomach immediately after eating’. ‘Constrictive pain in the stomach, preventing sleep’.
‘Contracting sensation in stomach with pressure, especially after cold food or drink’.
‘Twisting in the stomach with indescribable aching, with intense nausea and anxious perspiration, but without vomiting;
Besides the hungry and ‘hollow’ feeling, there is also a sensation of fullness. ‘Painful sensation of fullness in stomach impeding respiration’. It may be followed by the feeling of emptiness.
The stomach pains often compel restless movements of the patient which may ease the pain, but only momentarily.
Nausea during constipation.
Nausea from noise.
Seasickness, better closing eyes.
Stomach trembling on lying down.