
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1956

The vertigo is often felt in the forehead, as in this proving symptom: ‘Vertigo, as from intoxication, with dullness in the forehead, as if there were a board across the head’. Some patients, however will feel it in the occiput, with a sensation as if the occiput opened and closed like a valve. ‘Whirling vertigo, on rising up in bed, with inclination to vomit, which compelled him to lie down again
Even severe vertigo when lifting the head, as Carroll Dunham says, with nausea and faintness. Or: ‘In the open air, weakness and vertigo to falling down’. Totters when walking and seems to fall sideways.
In one case where the vertigo came on in paroxysms, there were a lot of characteristic concomitants: ‘Attacks of vertigo even; fortnight, continuing for days. Vertigo while sitting, on rising up in bed or chair, while standing, most frequently after a meal, with a feeling as if intoxicated or stupid, with nausea, pressure and throbbing in temples; now the feet go numb, now the hands; difficult speech during paroxysm, difficult thinking and reading afterwards’.
Vertigo with palpitation of the heart from any quick motion or excitement. Cocculus has often been successfully used in vestibular vertigo, with tinnitus, nystagmus, nausea and vomiting.
Headache, with nausea and inclination to vomit, ‘as if he had taken an emetic’. Sick headache from riding in a vehicle. A pain in the intestines as if bruised may be a concomitant.
Two important modalities and an interesting eye symptom are found in a case of headache described in Hughes’ Pharmacodynamics: ‘Headaches came on shortly after the catamenia had appeared, and have eves’ since regularly occurred at that period. Violent headache, described as a dull pain affecting whole head; patient has a difficulty in describing it minutely; is unable to lie for a moment on back of head, is forced to lie on side; unable to bear least light; any noise excites nausea and vomiting. During the headache she feels as if suffering from seasickness, and, on sitting up, the objects around seem to move up and down. …Principal indication…a marked tendency to nausea, resembling sea-