Cocculus, a tropical climbing plant. N.O. Menispermaceae.
Tincture from the powdered seeds.
Persons who need Cocculus have organisms that have ‘slowed down’ in many respects. Perception is slow, thinking is slow, sensa¬tion is slow, the patient has problems to accommodate to external impressions. Everything is too much for Cocculus. The brain is slow to work.
But a strong keynote for Cocculus is the transference of an external stimulus (such as pricking the skin) in such a slow manner that it is really surprising. On pricking the leg with a pin, it is some seconds before you hear the sound that declares that the person has felt the pain.
The head feels stupid and confused, as if intoxicated. If the patient reads a sentence only once he won’t understand; he needs more time, he has to read it several times to take the contents in. If he is asked a question he reflects a long time before answering. He feels something like a dizziness and stuffiness in his head, he is not able to describe what he experiences very well; a kind of heaviness, dullness and slowness in mind. ‘Confusion and stupefaction of the head. There is an emptiness in my head, empty of thoughts, just like being stupid. A hollow feeling in the head accompanied with numbness felt in the temples is reported.
The eyes are unable to adjust quickly enough to a moving object, they are unable to accommodate. This is the reason why Cocculus has been called a remedy in seasickness,