somewhat aggravated on breathing.
Sharp stitches in region of heart, from within outward.
Dryness in trachea in a closed room.
Expectoration bloody in afternoon, 1 pm.
Sensation of fullness in mammae.
Heat in chest, aggravated after eating.
Cancer of left mamma.
‘Long-lasting satiety’. Can eat, and with relish; yet feels that it is too much and ‘he does not yet require food’.
Aversion to beer.
After eating, tired and sleepy, has to lie down, with violent beating of the arteries; nausea, especially when smoking a cigarette after a meal, with weakness in the lower limbs, so that one is compelled to lie down. The nap after a meal is unusually heavy and deep; immediately falls asleep again after having been roused from sleep.
Disagreeable sensation of coldness in the stomach.
Pressure on stomach, after eating.
Bruised pain in the hepatic region when touched or when stooping.
Lancinating pain from middle of abdomen upward to chest during urination, which is worse on inspiring.
Most abdominal symptoms, however, centre in the hypogastrium and particularly in the inguinal regions.
Pressure outward as though a hernia would occur in the abdominal ring. Both inguinal regions become swollen and tight, especially the right one.
The inguinal glands are specially affected: swollen, indurated, sensitive; painless or painful, pain worse on walking and at night in bed; sensitive tensive pain, a ‘prickling’ pain as from needles or a jerking pain in the lymphatic nodes.
Pustular eruptions in loins.