
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1925

Itching over whole body, without eruption.
Vesicular eruptions. They may resemble Zoster or they may look like herpes. ‘Tetters on hands, itching, oozing after scratching, with heat and swelling’. Vesicular erysipelas in face. Bleeding pimples.
Formication in evening after lying down.
Eruption at inside of thighs, pustules that itch in the evening, scratching aggravates. Furuncles, commencing as small vesicles filled with pus.
Bone affections. Cancer. Diarrhoea. Erysipelas. Follicular pharyngitis. Glandular swelling. Hip-joint disease. Hospital gangrene. Lupus. Panaritum. Parotitis. Scorbutus. Scrofula. Sore throat. Ulcers. Zona.
Antidoted by: Rhus toxicodendron, Camphor, Sepia.
Compatible: Magnesium, Belladonna, Carbo vegetablis, Phosphorus.
Incompatible: Coffee.
Compare: Argentum nitricum, Lachesis, Carbo vegetablis, cold breath. Sulphur, morning diarrhoea.