marked sensation of coolness at the larynx, at the thyroid cartilage and in the trachea; much saliva in the mouth which is cool as well… ’And this coolness will continue ‘all day, especially in the throat’.
In the head: ‘In a very warm room, skin grows moist; with this, the forehead is not only externally cold, but also inside there is a sensation of coolness’.
In the digestive system, we find: ‘Before and after eating, cold feeling, also in the stomach, with cool eructation’. ‘Cold feeling in whole abdomen’.
Moreover: ‘Chilliness’. ‘Cold feet’. It is remarkable that the patient even trembles during the fever heat: ‘Severe chill, and afterwards heat with trembling…’.
To mention only one hay fever case from S. Reis (Archiv f r Homoopathik, 1996, 3): The patient had her attacks mostly in the morning and in the evening. (Cistus has ‘Frequent and violent sneezing, mostly evening and morning’.) They began with an itching in the nose, followed by an attack of sneezing; the inner canthi of the eyes were itching as well.
Towards the end of the attack, she got a feeling as though she were inhaling cold air, a cold sensation in the region of the larynx, with provocation to cough, followed by dry cough for ten minutes. This guiding symptom made Reis think of Cistus. Besides the hay fever symptoms, it also removed a skin eruption at the inside of the thighs, looking like a sun allergy, which itched in the evening.
Another strange sensation is a ‘feeling of softness in the throat’. With the help of this symptom, Clarke succeeded in curing a case of chronic sore throat that had been treated with local