
Materia Medica Viva Volume 9 – page 1903

Some additional spasmodic symptoms of Cina:
Convulsions of the extensor muscles; the child suddenly becomes stiff; and there is a clucking noise as though water were poured out of a bottle from throat down to abdomen.
General rigor of whole body.
Spasms of children, with throwing the arms from side to side.
The convulsive attacks tend to come on at night.
The spasmodic stretching and stiffening can be excited by coughing, by being vexed and angered, or even being looked at.
Many symptoms come on at night and also during sleep. ‘Symptoms from eye strain’ is another important modality. Reading or looking fixedly at an object, as in sewing, increases or causes eye and head pains or else dimness of vision. Kent directs attention to an aggravation from heat, especially in the sun, and in summer.
Ameliorated by lying on the belly, wiping or rubbing eyes, a ‘passive motion’ like being rocked or riding in a car, sometimes also by rolling the head to and fro.
Vertigo with flickering before eyes and nausea.
‘On rising from bed, it becomes black before the eyes, with dizziness in the head and fainting; totters to and fro; immediately relieved on lying down’.
Headaches that alternate with pain in abdomen; as soon as the headache disappears a pressive pain in abdomen develops, and when this ceases, the headache returns.
Headache aggravated by reading and reflecting, relieved by stooping.
Headaches caused or aggravated from using eyes; headache of seamstresses (Ruta).