them, they start crying or stiffen up even when someone only looks at them. This is more marked if strangers are present and looking at them.
The Cina child can be exceedingly angry; cries and strikes at all around him; he is not pleased with anything, and very obstinate. In acute Cina states, an otherwise good-natured child will suddenly become extremely cross, fretful, irritable, petulant, and displeased with everything. ‘Awakes with pitiful weeping, moan¬ing and sobbing, and with restless motions’.
Mental and Emotional Symptoms
There are many symptoms of delirium, especially crying or shrieking out loud, and talking incoherently. There are hallu¬cinations of sight, smell and taste. Patients sees yellow or violet; things taste and smell differently to them; their senses of taste and touch are exaggerated or perverted.
‘Incessant restlessness’. The restlessness is even present during sleep: the patient frequently turns around in sleep because of uneasi¬ness, or tosses about with piteous howling and crying, or starts and cries out loud.
Children wake up in the evening or before midnight with fear or fright, jump up, see imaginary sights, scream, tremble, and talk about it with much anxiety. They are so terror-stricken that with cries of alarm they huddle into their mother’s arms. The frightening dream visions won’t stop after waking, often the child will take the frightening dream visions for reality after waking (compare Stramonium).
Touchiness is a word that aptly describes the Cina pathology, on the mental and emotional levels as well as on the physical. They are