noises can excite or renew convulsions, headaches, vertigo, diarrhoea, etc.
The ears may feel very hot internally and externally, at other times very cold, with coldness of extremities, blue nails, etc.
Sore feeling behind the ear, as from a blow.
Much eruption on, before and under ears; burning, suppurating.
Bleeding from the ears, during cerebral troubles; gushing haemorrhage during convulsions.
Yellow discharge from the nose.
Yellow-brown scurf even in the nostrils; in facial eruptions.
Frequent sneezing, without coryza.
Epistaxis, with much sensitivity to touch; slight touching of the nose makes it bleed.
In acute states, the face is often red, even dark-red with blue lips, or deathly pale and cold.
Convulsive states that particularly affect the facial muscles, with horrible or ridiculous distortions. Rolls the eyes, utters piercing shrieks. Clenching of the jaws or teeth, as in lockjaw, is also frequent; often with a grinding of the teeth.
After commotio cerebri, the face may be flushed, with headache and restless sleep, afterwards pallor and coldness of the face.
Lips burning, painful; ulcerated; has been used with favourable effect in malignant ulceration.
Cicuta is an important remedy in certain facial eruptions: suppurating, confluent eruptions with burning pain and exudation of a yellow colour, like honey. An example (a case cured by Caspari): ‘A small scurf develops at the left corner of the mouth, with oozing of a yellow fluid that excites a burning pain and excoriates the parts; the excoriated spots now also begin to exudate such fluid which becomes dry and forms a thick, honey-coloured crust. The pain is mostly only burning. The scurfs start at the upper lip and spread to the lower part of the cheek, the whole chin and part of the skin under the chin. The submaxillary glands are swollen, one of