From all these symptoms, Cicuta has a reputation as a remedy to be used in epilepsy. The quoted symptoms point to grand mal, but, as Tyler remarks, there are also many symptoms of petit mal. Absent¬mindedness, a sudden loss of thoughts and particularly a great tendency to stare fixedly confirm this indication.
Provings that depict these symptoms from Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura: ‘Staring; she stares with unaltered look at one and the same place and can’t help it, though she’d wish to do so; has not entire control of her senses with this, has to be much aroused to give a correct answer; if she makes a forcible effort to turn away her head and abandon the object with her eyes, she loses consciousness, everything becomes black before her eyes.’
‘Although she fixes her eyes to the object with unaltered look, she is still unable to see anything precisely; everything intermingles before her eyes, as in those states where one has looked too long at one and the same object…’
‘When she has looked for a long time at one and the same spot, she becomes sleepy and has a sensation as if her head was pressed down, which is, however, not externally visible; with the eyes open and staring, she then doesn’t perceive any letter.’
‘As often as one talks to her, arousing her from her insensible staring by calling out at her, as often she sinks back into this state, with a pulse of only 50.’
‘If allowed to sit undisturbed for some time, her head slowly sinks down, while the staring eyes remain fixed to one and the same spot; thus her pupils find themselves, with the head sinking more and more, almost behind the upper lid; then an internal jerk occurs, bringing her to her senses for a short time; but then she sinks back again into a similar state of