
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1843

Contempt and Confusion
There is another feature in Cicuta patients that seems very opposed to their mild and yielding nature; a contempt and hatred for mankind as a whole. They will say that they do not trust people, that people are bad, that they are crazy and that they are fools, and they do not want to associate with them. They will say it in a such a way that you will feel that they don’t really understand what they say. It is not a belief, it is a symptom, it is an illusion.
Hahnemann noted in his proving: ‘Contempt and scorn for mankind; avoided human beings, abhorred their follies excessively, and his mind seemed to change toward misanthropy; he withdrew himself into solitude’… ‘Want of confidence in mankind, with misanthropy; he avoided them, remained alone and reflected seriously upon their errors and upon himself.’ They are extremely suspicious.
When you take a case you know immediately whether one speaks from his logical mind and experience or whether he is speaking from sickness and confusion. Cicuta has a lot of confusion reaching up to the state of delusion, as to his identity, time, and bodily perception.
Confusing present and past. ‘Feels dull and stupid.’ ‘Loss of thoughts, of senses, of memory.’ ‘Great stupefaction and prostration.’ ‘Thoughts confused all day, quickly and incoher¬ently jumping from one subject to the other, often of a torturing character and only showing the black side of things.’
‘Everything is confused and strange. … The faces of old friends look strange; he looks at them and wonders if they are the same persons he used to know …Voices sound strange. The senses of sight and smell and all the other special senses are disturbed and confused. He is confused as to himself, his age and his circumstances’ (Kent).