
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1840

Cicuta is a remedy that affects the central and peripheral nervous system par excellence. The word that characterises it in essence is: distortion. Such patients will be forced by their organism to express distortions on the nervous system, which is seen in the facial expressions, in the strabismus and in the convulsions or the movements of the extremities. The convulsions of the limbs are of such intensity that the patient is thrown into strange positions. In delirium they will jump out of bed and dance with the most unusual movements, clapping their hands, singing, performing the most grotesque dance-steps, and shouting.
The peripheral nerves are in a such a state of excitation that if you touch the patient, especially on the head, he will go back into convulsions. The whole nervous system is ready to react violently to the slightest stress, be it a noise, the slamming of a door, shouting, or sudden loud music; it will bring out to the surface some contortions, jerks, or spasms. A slight injury, such as the sharp splinter of a fish bone stuck in the throat, can trigger a severe state in a Cicuta person. It is not the injury itself, but the violent spasm triggered by it, that makes this state so peculiar and dangerous.
Even a mild confrontation with someone may make them feel out of sorts, mentally confused, and out of balance. Yet after such turmoil the organism, as if to bring about a balance, goes into an opposite state of pathological peacefulness, of submission, like a small child, yielding, sweet, gentle, placid obedient, without any resistance or any aggression whatsoever.
Sometimes the eyes are fixed in a place as if looking at infinity and nothing can change this. It seems that the organism needs these short intervals to come back into balance. If they are disturbed strongly during such time they may faint or go into spasms or convulsions. That is why this remedy is good for petit mal as well as grand mal seizures. The connection with the muscles of the eyes is an important element for Cicuta which must be remembered.