but at the same time excessive sensitivity to cold.
Profuse sweat during sleep: all over body, or only on the side he lies on. ‘After waking at 3 a.m., sweat over body with thirst, but no sweat on feet or on head, except the cheek on which he lies.’
On least motion, perspiration especially on nape of neck and back.
Hot sweat on forehead, or else cold sweat, especially around nose and mouth. Incessant sweating at night, even with slight covering. Sweat all over as soon as he is covered.
The most important symptom in this area is the excessive, almost painful, sensitivity of the skin of the whole body, even of the palms of the hands. Pale complexion, anaemic, ‘chlorotic’, also dingy, greyish yellow or icteric. China has caused and cured icterus and jaundice. Pale red or white oedematous swellings. Flaccid, dry skin; general anasarca, especially after excessive loss of blood.
Erysipelas; periodically recurring. Quincke-oedema.
Urticaria, erythema; reddening rather strong, sensitive to touch and cold air; some swelling; no marked itching, no marked sensation of burning. Vesicles and pustules. Dermatitis.
Abscess. Alcoholism. Ambylopia. Anaemia. Aphthae. Apoplexy. Appetite, disordered. Asthma. Back, weakness of. Bilious attack. Catarrhal affections. Coma. Constipation. Cough. Debility. Delirium. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Ears, deafness; noises in. Emissions. Empyaema. Erysipelas. Facial neuralgia. Gall-stone colic. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Hectic fever. Hip- joint disease. Ichthyosis. Impotence. Influenza. Intermittent fever. Jaundice. Labour. Lactation. Leucorrhoea. Lientaria. Liver, diseases of; cirrhosis of. Masturbation. Meniere’s disease. Menstruation, disordered. Mercury, effects of. Muscae volitantes. Neuralgia. Peritonitis. Perspiration, excessive. Pleurisy, Prosopalgia. Psoriasis. Pylorus, disease of. Rheumatism. Sleep, disordered. Spermatorrhoea. Spleen, affections of. Suffocation, fits of. Taste, disordered. Tea, effects of. Thirst. Tinnitus. Tobacco habit. Traumatic fever. Tympanitis. Varicose veins. Vertigo.