
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1829

slowly changing to a stitching pain, sometimes extending to the heart; usually beginning at night, after lying down.
Stitches in the left side of the back.
Knife-like pain around back. Rheumatism of dorsal muscles, with violent pain on turning body; patient avoids every motion; cannot stand erect, falls to ground and screams if he tries.
Tensive pain in small of back, as from a heavy load or as after long stooping. Lumbago; nocturnal pain in small of back when lying on back. Intolerable pain in small of back, cramp-like, or as if beaten or crushed; slightest motion extorts screams. Sacral pain with diarrhoea, with uterine haemorrhage, etc. Perspiration in nape of neck and back on least motion. Chills that begin in back.
Laxity of all the limbs, great lethargy and weakness, with trembling of the hands. They feel numb and dead, especially those lain upon, and very heavy, as if lead were hanging down from them. Hughes recommends China in ‘that relaxed state of the ligaments of the joints which makes them (especially the ankles) ache after any exertion.’
A sensible though invisible tremor in all the limbs, combined with a cooling sensation.
Coldness of the extremities, especially of the hands and feet, even in a warm room; with a hot face. Or one-sided coldness, especially of the hands. One hand is or feels icy cold, the other being warm (one foot hot, the other cold: Lycopodium); a symptom that has been elicited in several different provers. Or heat in head with distended veins of the hands and cold feet.
A great many limb pains, mainly of a jerking tearing character, or else drawing sticking, tearing-pressive or drawing-pressive, or as if bruised and beaten. The pain is most felt in the joints and always excited or greatly aggravated by the slightest touch, but ameliorated by hard pressure. Either the pain is aggravated by the slightest motion, compelling to absolute rest; or it is much worse during rest, thus inducing a physical restlessness and constant motion of the limbs, bending and extending, etc., which ameliorates the pain.
Spreads and extends arms, with flexed fingers.