
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1826

Urinary Organs
China is a remedy in kidney colic, also from kidney stones; and in acute or chronic pyelonephritis. Dull stitching pain in region of right kidney, worse on bending body. Sharp pain across kidneys, worse at night. Sensation of heaviness and sensitivity to touch. It may also be indicated in cystitis and ‘bladder stones.’ Kidney colic cases where China is indicated easily go into inflammation, especially where the case involves a pregnant woman. Perhaps there is first cystopyelytis which then ascends to the kidneys; and then albuminuria comes on, the blood pressure rises, the urine culture is positive for klebsiella, the patients become almost comatose with pain and fever, extremely prostrated, threatening eclampsia; a terrifying picture where China can give valuable help. These are, of course, extremely dangerous states where hospital care and medication are often necessary; it is absolutely vital not to risk the life of the patient. A scanty and dark-coloured urine with brick-red sediment or crystals is a prominent symptom in the urinary area. Has been used in haematuria.
Frequent and urgent desire to urinate, the urine is pressed out involuntarily; also almost ineffectual urging, with pressure in the bladder afterwards.
Enuresis in weakly children.
Burning pain in orifice of (male) urethra, during and after urination, or else continuous and aggravated by rubbing of clothes.
Whitish turbid urine, with colic during and after micturition.
In exhaustion from abuse of diuretics.
Male Genitalia
Increased sexual desire, also too continuous, with constant lascivious fancies day and night that come to mind against one’s will, also with increased appetite for dainties (see above); frequent erections; or impotence with excited and lascivious imagination.
Consequences from excessive sexual activity (masturbation, coitus, etc.): impotence, prostration, ‘irritable weakness’, headaches, asthenopia, etc. Swelling of spermatic cord and testis, especially epididymis, painful to touch; also with stony induration. In hydrocele, painful to touch, but a tearing, drawing pain in the swollen parts also when not touched. Orchitis (Boericke).
Tearing pain in left testicle and at left side of prepuce, in evening in bed.