weakness of lungs in aged persons. Carleton Smith cured a case of glottal spasm, with sudden attacks at night (3 a.m.). The man was nearly suffocating, and finally, with one tremendous effort, while sitting bent, he managed to force a little air into the lungs with a noise audible at a distance. From then on, each inspiration would become less difficult.
Dyspnoea, with sharp pain in left lung (Boericke). Dyspnoea with rattling of mucus and gasping for air, wants to be fanned but not too hard.
Asthmatic attacks, worse in damp weather, in autumn, or after depletion..
Bronchitis with intolerance of the slightest touch over the chest, even of the clothes; loud, coarse rales through the chest and extreme debility.
Oedema after inflammatory lung infection, with orthopnoea.
Great oppression of the chest, in the region of the pit of the stomach, as if something were burrowing in there.
Chest extremely sensitive to touch, cannot bear percussion or even auscultation; also sore pain between scapulae, vertebrae sensitive to touch. A small spot below the last right rib, in which even the slightest pressure or walking causes a sticking pain.
Pressive-drawing pain across the lower portion of the chest while sitting, which caused anxiety; it disappeared while standing and walking.
Some violent stitches in the chest, just above the heart region, while he was at rest, especially while reading.
Pain in the side, as if beaten, or as from a blow.
Dull stitches in the cartilages of the third and fourth left false ribs; also dull or sharp stitches near the right nipple or in the chest, or at the sternum , all from within outward; unrelated to breathing.
Pressure in chest, as from violent rush of blood, violent palpitation;
bloody sputa; sudden prostration.
Oppression of the heart, which impedes respiration or takes away the breath. Much palpitation: with rush of blood to the face which becomes hot and red, but with coldness of the hands; or to the chest, with pressure in it; with distended veins in uncovered parts.
Palpitation with irregular, intermittent heart beats. One prover suffered