
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1818

Hoarseness from accumulation of mucus in the larynx, with long-continued coryza and oppression of chest.
Sore pain in the larynx and trachea, as a concomitant in whooping cough. Continual irritation with hacking cough, in the morning after rising, as from sulphur-vapour.
Cough violent, spasmodic, racking, sometimes with painful jarring in the scapular region, also with gagging and bilious vomiting; caused by laughing or talking, also by deep inspiration, drinking, or motion; severe coughing immediately after eating.
Fits of suffocative night cough, at night at 2 or 4 a.m., with screaming after the first spells of coughing.
Hoarse cough from tickling in the trachea or as from sulphur vapour; dry at night and in the morning, but during the daytime and in the evening expectoration of pus mixed with dark and clotted blood, or else of tough mucus, tasting insipid, salty or sour, sometimes also offensive and sweetish; with vomiting of blood or bile; especially in late stages of whooping-cough with threatening paralysis of lungs, or in cases of great prostration from loss of fluids (Bonninghausen).
Nervous cough, dry and hacking, with pain in spleen, palpitation, intolerance of tight clothing, dyspnoea.
Haemoptysis; profuse bleeding from the lungs, with much exhaustion; also with oedema of extremities; during lactation (loss of fluids!); with fullness, oppression, anxious uneasiness in chest and palpitation; with constrictive sensation in chest and erethism of blood vessels.
Whistling, wheezing, crowing in the trachea and bronchi on breathing.
Snoring inspiration during sleep, sometimes with puffing expiration.
Laboured, loud and stentorious respiration, with puffing, blowing out of cheeks on each respiration (Clarke).
Breathing oppressed, difficult, painful, with quick expiration; short and quick; only possible with head high.
Oppression of the chest with heavy and loud breathing, especially while walking, and roughness in chest; from talking long; as from fullness in stomach. Inclination to breathe deeply.
Suffocative attacks as if the larynx was filled with mucus, especially in the evening and at night on waking from sleep; suffocative catarrh and paralytic