coloured, Hippocratic. But during the fever heat or congestion to head it is red and hot, sometimes bloated, while the rest of the body is cold. In some cases there is an unpleasant ‘chilly’ sensation on the forehead although it is warm to the touch; or there is burning heat with hot sweat on forehead; or cold sweat. Partial heat, redness and sweat in face: redness and heat especially of the cheeks and lobules of ears, also on one side only, with chill all over body; of the nose only; perspiration only on the cheek he lies on (at 3 a.m. after waking); cold sweat about mouth and nose.
Burning hot face when entering a room (which is not warm) from the open air.
Facial blood vessels distended.
Dry or burning lips during the hot stage of fever, but without thirst. Lips parched, cracked, wrinkled, with a blackish coat.
Facial neuralgia, nervous or rheumatic prosopalgia, periodically recurring; pain darting, constrictive, tearing, lancinating, burning; worse slight touch, stroking the painful cheekbone; better when violently pinching the painful cheek .
Erysipelas of face: vesicular, with low delirium (Allen, Clinicals); in infants, with hot, swollen extremities (ibid.)
Swollen submaxillary glands, with stitching in them especially on swallowing.
Neuralgic, digging or throbbing toothache, especially soon after eating and at night; slightest touch or least contact greatly aggravates but pressure on teeth or biting them tightly together relieves the pain. Concomitants: continuous diarrhoea, great lethargy, can hardly walk, profuse perspiration every night; distension of veins of face and hands.
Drawing toothache in open air and from a draught; also worse from tea, motion of body, etc.; better from external warmth.
Teeth loose, painful only when chewing.
Toothache in nursing mothers, rending, as if the teeth were being pulled out, every time the child nurses at breast.
Toothache during sweat.
Black sordes on teeth.
Swollen gums and lips.
Tongue coated yellow or thickly dingy-white; or blackish, parched and cracked.