
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1812

very much confused in the morning, like a hangover, with dryness of the mouth.’ This confused feeling is often coupled with a sluggishness and lassitude of the body and the limbs, sometimes with a pressure in the temples or in the forehead. It has been described ‘as from night-watching and sleeplessness’, or ‘as in coryza,’ or ‘like vertigo from dancing.’
This is not only felt on waking at morning, but especially on waking from sleep at night, with the feeling as if one was ‘still in the dream’ as described above. ‘On waking at night he is as though dizzy so that he does not dare to rise.’ In the China vertigo an inclination of the head to sink backward is prominent. Motion and walking will aggravate, while lying ameliorates. Vertigo on raising body.
In all kinds of headaches we have the aggravation by slight touch and amelioration by hard pressure. ‘Headache left side over ear, I must not touch the place’ (cured case of Keller). Whole scalp very sensitive and painful to touch, especially the roots of the hair are painful, e.g. on combing or any motion of the hair, for instance on walking in the open air, from a draught, etc.; while strong external pressure or scratching head ameliorates. The sensitivity of the outer head accompanies almost all headaches.
Headache, so sensitive that it seems as though the skull would burst; the brain beats in waves against the skull. This kind of ‘bursting headache’ is usually worse on stepping, walking, on any jar, also on every motion, even on opening the eyes; from light and noise; better when lying quietly in the dark. But there are also the opposite modalities: ‘cannot hold head still with the bursting headache, is urged to move it up and down, which ameliorates’ (Hartlaub); or: opening eyes ameliorates (Hering). These modalities of motion are analogous to the general pain modalities (see above).
An aggravation during rest is also to be seen in certain occipital headaches. ‘Headache beginning in occiput and spreading over whole head, lasting from morning until afternoon; worst while lying, cannot lie or sit, must stand or walk; so intense they drive to madness.’
A similar pain quality, also with great intensity, is a violent throbbing headache, like a hammering, especially or only in the temples, with strong pulsation of the temporal and carotid vessels, sometimes with flickering before the